Diabetic Foot Care Tips

Diabetes mellitus is the cause of about 60 percent of all nontraumatic limb amputations and, according to the CDC, the main factor in nontraumatic amputation of the lower limb. If you’re diabetic, it’s vital that you know how to protect your extremities. These diabetic foot care tips and our expert medical care help you stay in control of your health and mobility.

Diabetic Foot Care Tips You Need To Know

Partnering with a medical care provider at Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, P.C., is one of the most important things you can do to protect your feet. When you have diabetes, it’s common not to feel pain due to neuropathy, or diabetic nerve damage, and what you don’t know can hurt you when it comes to your feet.

You might not be aware of injuring your foot if you’re experiencing diabetic nerve damage. Your feet can also change shape, causing shoes to rub and create blisters that break the surface of your skin. This allows infection to spread without you becoming aware, so having your feet examined by a specialist is often your best line of defense for protecting your feet.

Check For Skin Changes

Diabetic neuropathy changes how your nerves distribute moisture and oil to the skin on your feet, causing peeling and cracking that can lead to infection. Our medical professionals examine your feet for signs of dryness and skin damage and then prescribe medications or recommend creams and lotions that soften and protect your skin.

Discuss Circulation Issues With Your Doctor

Blood vessels in your extremities become narrower and harder when you’re diabetic, leading to reduced circulation in your feet. This slows the healing process if you get injured and makes it harder to ward off infections.

It’s important to discuss your options, such as prescription medications for increasing circulation, with one of the foot care specialists here at Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, P.C. We offer a variety of solutions to help you maintain foot health and to prevent and treat the complications of diabetes before they begin or after you start experiencing them.

Check For Calluses

For diabetics, calluses develop quickly on the parts of the foot that experience the most pressure. Monitor the development of calluses and have your foot specialist provide routine inspections as you may have trouble inspecting your feet. Calluses need to be properly maintained to be sure they don’t break open because broken skin invites infection into the foot.

Consider Orthotic Shoes

Complications of diabetes can change the shape of your foot. Our diabetic shoe program ensures you’re wearing shoes that don’t add to the complications you are already experiencing while helping to prevent new ones. Shoes that properly fit your changing feet reduce your risk of developing foot ulcers that can lead to amputation.

If you develop an ulcer on your feet, getting a quick diagnosis and immediate care from your provider here at Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, P.C., can help reduce the damage. If you have a non-healing wound, don’t put off the call to seek care from our wound healing specialists.

Call Us Today

Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, P.C., has six facilities to serve your diabetic foot care needs. We understand the diabetes related foot issues you’re dealing with and are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today at any of our 6 convenient locations to schedule an appointment with our caring, professional staff members.